Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed
Big Idea: Being a Saint means following Jesus' Way (Luke 6:20-31)
Lesson by Diddl, Diddlina, and Ms. Doro (recorded in 2020)
All Saints Day Lesson by The Superbook Show
Ask: Can anyone tell me what a "Saint" is? (Someone who follows Jesus). Does anyone remember what "Saint" means? (Holy) Does anyone know what "Holy" means, since it's a word we hear a lot in church? (Holy means that someone or something is special or different).
Say: God is holy because God is different than us. He's perfect! We're not. But when we follow Jesus, we are made holy too - not perfect, but we are cleaned from our dirty sins by Jesus' forgiveness.
Today, we remember people who have died who followed Jesus - even through the hard times of life. Sometimes they were sad, poor, or hungry. Jesus says that when we follow Him, even when times are hard, we will be rewarded.