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For Kids: Easter 2 - Year C

Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed

Today, we are learning about one of Jesus' friends who is known as "Doubting Thomas".

Ask: Do you know what it means "to doubt"?

(When you are not sure/don't think that something is true)

Say: Let us watch this video and see what it is that Thomas doubted to be true:

Lesson Video: Doubting Thomas

Say: Something was different about Jesus' new body after He rose from the dead: He could just appear in places instead of having to walk through the door, for example.

Ask: But what was the same about his body, what had not changed since He died on the cross? (Wounds)

Q: When Thomas' friend told him about having seen Jesus, what did Thomas have a hard time with?

A: Believing that it was true.

Q: What was Thomas' requirement for him to believe that Jesus was alive?

A: Touch Jesus' wounds.

Q: Did Thomas believe when he got to do that a week later?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you remember what Jesus said to Thomas about his lack of faith?

A: "Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!"

Ask: So who has the bigger faith — someone like Thomas or Jesus' other disciples who got to see and touch Jesus after He rose from the dead or do WE, who have never seen or touched Jesus, have the bigger faith?

Song for Kids: The Jesus Song by Saddleback Kids

Activity Sheets or Play

After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play something that fits with the lesson).

End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.

Ending Song: The Lord's Prayer

Children's Printable Activity Sheets & Songs

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