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For Kids: Generosity | Pentecost 16 (Lectionary 26) | Year C

Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed

Big Idea: Jesus says that giving is better (Luke 16:19-31, 1 Timothy 6:6-19)

Story: "The Parable of the Rich Man" | Spark Story Bible pg. 386

Bible Story Video: Giving is Better

Ask: Have you ever given someone else a present? How did that feel? Have you ever shared something with someone who didn't have what they needed? Maybe a pencil at school or some food with a friend or a toy?

Say: Jesus wants us to remember that everything we have really comes from Him. If we have enough of something that we can share with others who don't have it, we're not honoring God, because we are being selfish. Jesus even says that when we share our stuff and help others, it's like helping Jesus Himself! So, let's think of some ways we can share with others this week!

Song for Kids: Thankful

Activity Sheets or Play

After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).

End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.

Ending Song: The Lord's Prayer

Children's Printable Activity Sheets & Songs

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