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For Kids: Pentecost 6 (Lectionary 16) | Year C

Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed

Today we are learning about Mary & Martha!

Lesson: Mary & Martha, Jesus Calling Bible Storybook, pg. 184

Bible Story Video: Mary & Martha


Which sister made herself busy and missed out on time with Jesus?

What was Mary doing?

How did Martha feel about what Mary was doing?

Did Jesus think Mary was being lazy?

What would you do if Jesus was coming over to your house?

Say: Time is a great gift that we have been given. Usually, our lives are very busy. What are some things that you are busy with? ... It's important to choose to make time for Jesus each day. Maybe that's by praying in the morning, or before meals, or reading a Bible story with your parents at night. What do you think you could do to spend more time with Jesus?

Song for Kids: Mary & Martha

Activity Sheets or Play

After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).

End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.

Ending Song: The Lord's Prayer

Children's Printable Activity Sheets & Songs

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