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For Kids: Sin | Lectionary 14 (Pentecost 6) | Year A

Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed

Note: Today's lesson is based on Romans 7:15-25 in the Lectionary readings.

Big Idea: Sin separates us from God

Story: "The First Sin" | Spark Story Bible, pg. 14

Ask: In our Bible story, we learned about the very first sin. Did Adam and Eve trust God's plan or their own? ... Was that a good idea? ... Does anyone know what God's plan was to save us from sin?

Let's watch a video to see what God's plan to save people from sin is...

Lesson Video | 3 Ways God Saves Us from Sin

Ask: Have you ever done something you weren't supposed to do? Lie, fight, be mean to someone? ... Those things are called sin. God doesn't like it when we sin. Can anyone guess why? ...

Say: When we sin, we hurt other people. Sometimes we can actually hurt them - like if you've ever hit someone - or we can hurt their feelings. Sometimes, we can also hurt ourselves when we sin, because when we sin, we're saying "No" to God.

Instead, let's say "No" to sin and follow God's way. When we do sin, we need to ask forgiveness and turn back to God's ways, right?

Let's sing a song about saying "No" to sin...

Song for Kids: I Say No to Sins

Activity Sheets or Play

After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).

End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.

(If you need more time)

  • Go around the room and ask the children to share something they are thankful for this week.

  • Ask them if there is anything or anyone they would like to pray for this week.

Ending Song: The Lord's Prayer

Children's Printable Activity Sheets & Songs

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