Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed
Note: Today's lesson is based on Matthew 22:1-14 in the Lectionary readings.
Big Idea: God invited you into His Kingdom, so invite others too!
Story: The Wedding Banquet - Spark Story Bible, p. 304
Question: Why was the King angry in the story? ... If you invited all your friends to a party, but they made excuses and didn't come, how would you feel?
Lesson Video | The Parable of the Great Banquet
Ask: If you were invited to a party, would you go? ... What if God invited you to a party? Would you go to God's party?
What do you imagine a party with God to be like? ...
Say: God wants everyone to come to His party - and yes, after Jesus comes back, He's going to throw a huuuuuge party! Jesus came to Earth the first time to make sure that everyone knew they were invited to God's awesome party. But some people think they are too busy to come to the party. They don't want to come. But we know that it will be so awesome, so let's make sure to follow Jesus and accept His invitation to God's party by believing and obeying Him!
Song for Kids: We Are the Church
Activity Sheets or Play
After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).
End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.
(If you need more time)
Go around the room and ask the children to share something they are thankful for this week.
Ask them if there is anything or anyone they would like to pray for this week.