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Sign-up for Communion - May 24

Hopefully you all saw the letter (included below) that we sent out last week detailing information on offering communion this coming Sunday, May 24th.  Please remember you have to sign-up to attend.  Just click on the following link and type in your name – one individual name per line.  If you have problems please email or call me (Deaconess Kathy at 593-0665). 

As we stated in the letter last week, please note that we need all of you to prayerfully consider whether you should attend or not.  If you are at risk, please stay home.  If you are sick, please stay home.  (And on that note we ask that you take your temperature before attending and not come if you are running a fever.)  If the changes that will need to happen during this time make you uncomfortable we will understand if you choose to wait until we can fully open in the traditional way. We are asking that you wear a mask and social distance at all times. 

Thank you for your understanding.  Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns.

In Christ,

Pastor Josh & Deaconess Kathy


Letter from last week:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,

These are the words used by Saint Paul as he began his letters to the various people in the early church.  He often wrote words of encouragement to a church suffering and struggling in some way.  If he were writing to us today in the midst of COVID-19, he undoubtedly would begin in that very same way giving us words of encouragement and hope.  So with these words we address you, the members of Saint Luke’s, with our thoughts and plans as we begin the process of opening up our church amid a pandemic.  First, and most important, we want you to know that these challenging times require unique and sometimes difficult solutions.  Things will not be the same as they were back in January or February.  Many things will change, at least temporarily, i.e. the baptismal font will be empty, the common cup will not be offered, chairs will be removed and social distancing will be in place.  But the means of grace will still be offered.

On Sunday, May 24th, we will begin to offer 20 minute worship services of 9 or less (plus Pastor and Deaconess).  These services will include the confession, prayers, a short reading and Holy Communion.  You will need to sign up for the time you are planning on attending.  Please note that we need all of you to prayerfully consider whether you should attend or not.  If you are at risk, please stay home.  If you are sick, please stay home.  (And on that note we ask that you take your temperature before attending and not come if you are running a fever.)  If the changes that will need to happen during this time make you uncomfortable we will understand if you choose to wait until we can fully open in the traditional way.  We are asking that you wear a mask and social distance at all times. 

Again, while we wish that life were different and we could come back together as normal, that is not reality in today’s world.  We look forward to being able to share the Body and Blood of Christ with those who are able as we continue to worship with all of you through our on-line worship.  Please join us there each and every Sunday!  If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact either of us.  We appreciate your understanding as we have prayerfully discerned this new step forward. 

In Christ,

Pastor Josh & Deaconess Kathy

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