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VBS 2020: Home Edition

Hello, everyone! We worked with the Children's Center to create a small-scale VBS due to the unique circusmtances this summer. After receiving positive feedback from them, we wanted to make it available to families as well!

Each day next week, we will be releasing blog posts here on the website (and sharing the links on Facebook) that have all that day's videos and activities in it.

Today, we wanted to share a preview of the songs, snacks, crafts, and memory verses in case anyone wanted to follow along next week (of course, you can also follow along any week that works best for you).

Here is the link: VBS 2020 Google Folder

The theme for this year is (ironically) Oh, The Places You'll Go - so we will be following five different people in the Bible on their adventures:

Day 1: Joseph

Day 2: Moses

Day 3: Jonah

Day 4: Jesus

Day 5: Paul

(And yes, all these stories have been turned into rhymes)

We hope you and your children will enjoy!

In Christ, James & Doro

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