Hello, everyone!
We are excited to share our VBS series for this year! First, we wanted to take a moment to explain why we are doing a hybrid model and what that will look like.
As many of you know, we have typically done VBS together with the Children's Center. However, they have had to temporarily quarantine several of the classrooms over the last several months, which really takes a toll on the center. So, like last year, they decided to do VBS in their separate classrooms to lessen the risk of exposure for the children and staff.
The results from the recent survey we sent out to our church families indicated that while some families are comfortable returning to church, about half of our families are not sure when they will be comfortable returning to church with their children. So, knowing that there are a varity of comfort levels among our families in general, this year we wanted to offer the home version of VBS, but also find a safer way to do an in-person element.
We appreciate your understanding as we navigate some new territory this summer. Here is what we have come up with:
Park Meet-Up Day
On the morning of Friday, June 18, we would like to do a park meet-up! Doro will do a short lesson for the kids, provide snacks, and possibly a craft, songs + games. We are asking that parents or grandparents accompany their children at the park and are hoping it will be a nice time of fellowship and catching up for the adults as well.
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Black Forest Regional Park
Please sign up so we can know how many snacks to bring (parents and grandparents, include yourselves too!): Sign Up
Home VBS
The theme for this year is The "Bear" Necessities — so we will be telling five different stories in which God either provides the bare necessities or uses the bare necessities to do some big stuff:
Day 1: Manna
Day 2: Gideon
Day 3: Fishes & Loaves
Day 4: Saint Martin
Day 5: George Mueller
Each day's resources will be texted to our children's parents text group and posted on the church's Facebook page every day the week of June 21.
Here is the link to the VBS 2021 Google Folder where you can find a PDF that lists all the snacks, one that lists all the memory verses, and one that lists all the Q&A's for after the lesson videos. From there, you can also navigate to the different craft folders. Note, however, that all craft folders, snacks, memory verses, and Q&A's will also be conveniently listed on each VBS day's blog post along with all the videos and songs.
Our German mice puppets Diddl & Diddlina are also part of this year's online VBS!
We hope you and your children will enjoy!
In Christ, James & Doro