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VBS Day 3 — Fishes & Loaves

Theme Song

Intro with Diddl & Diddlina

Lesson Videos


- Who was in our story today? (Jesus, His friends/disciples, and a big crowd)

- What did the crowd of people need? (Food)

- How much food were Jesus’ friends able to find? (2 fish + 5 loaves of bread)

- What did Jesus do with the 2 fish and the 5 loaves? (Make more of them and feed everybody)

What Jesus did is called a “miracle” — it wouldn’t have been possible for any regular man to do what He did. But God can do anything and Jesus is God! Let’s remember today that Jesus wants to take care of us.

Memory Verse

When Jesus was talking to over 5000 people and everybody got hungry, He took two fish and 5 loaves of bread and made so much more out of it that everybody was full and there were even leftovers! The people had a need — they were hungry — and Jesus met that need by filling their bellies. Jesus took care of the people's "bare necessities". The Bible says: "God will meet your every need". The Bible says that if we pray and love and trust God, He will provide for us everything we truly need.

Philippians 4:19 — "God will meet your every need"

Memory Tip: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" melody.

For the older kids, you could include the verse reference in the song (otherwise just replace the verse reference with another "God will meet your every need"):

God will meet your every need -- Philippians 4:19 --

God will meet your every need -- God will meet your every need --

God will meet your every need -- Philippians 4:19.


God will meet your every need -- God will meet your every need --

God will meet your every need -- God will meet your every need --

God will meet your every need -- God will meet your every need.


Fishes&Loaves Song


Today's snack is Goldfish!

Why? — Because it reminds us of the two fish that Jesus took and somehow made more of. And since crackers are kind of like hard bread, they also remind us of the five loaves of bread that Jesus fed the over 5000 people with.

Closing Song

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