Theme Song
Intro with Diddl & Diddlina
Lesson Video
- Do you remember the name of the man in our story today? (George Mueller)
- What kind of work did he do? (He had an orphanage (a place where children live that don't have a family anymore))
- In our story, George Mueller and the children had a problem — do you remember what it was? (They didn't have any food for breakfast)
- What did they do? (Pray)
- What happened then? Who came and brought them what? (The baker brought them bread and the milkman gave them milk)
This story reminds us that God listens to our prayers and that He takes care of us. He loves you very much!
Memory Verse
In our story today, there is a man called George Mueller who loved God and trusted that God would always take care of him and the children he cared for. And he was right! God used people (the baker and the milkman) to provide the "bare necessities" for George Mueller and the kids. The Bible tells us to pray all the time, too:
1 Thessalonians 5:17 — "Pray all the time"
Memory Tip: "This Little Light of Mine" melody.
For the older kids, you could include the verse reference as the last line in the song (it is a difficult one, though) instead of the "let it shine, let it shine, let it shine". Otherwise sing "Pray, pray, pray -- pray, pray, pray -- all the time!"):
Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! --
Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- First Thessalo -- niiiiians -- five seventeen.
Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! --
Pray -- all the time! -- Pray -- all the time! -- Pray, pray, pray -- pray, pray, pray -- all the time!
Today's snack is bread rolls and milk!
Why? — Because it reminds us of the bread and the milk in our story of George Mueller. He didn't have the money to buy bread and milk, but he trusted and prayed that God would take care of them anyway — and God did!