Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed
Today's lesson comes from this Sunday's lectionary reading: Genesis 1:1-5
Big Idea: God is the Creator!
Story: "Creation" | Spark Story Bible, pg. 2
Ask: Look outside. What is your favorite thing in God's creation (place, animal, plant, etc.)?
According to our Apostles' Creed song, what did God create?
Lesson Video | Creation
Ask: Tell me about a time when you were in creation. . . What did you enjoy most about being in God's creation?
If you were to create a world, what would you make? . . .
Why did God make people? . . . (To rule over creation with Him)
Say: God made creation to be His kingdom and when He made it, it was good. He wanted to share His kingdom with people, so He made humans. But humans disobeyed God and brought death and sin into God's good world.
God still wants us to care for His creation and will one day make all things perfect! In God's restored creation, there will be no more evil, sin, or death. So, until then, we pray for Jesus to come back and practice taking take of all that God has given us.
Song: "Creation Song"
Activity Sheets or Play
After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).
End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.