Opening Song: The Apostles' Creed
Big Idea: Jesus wants us to pray (1 Timothy 2:1-7).
Story: "Dear God, thank you for good friends." 365 Bible Stories, pg. 327
Bible Story Video: Prayer
Ask: Do you pray at home? If you do, what do you usually talk to God about? If not, would you like to talk with God more?
Let's take a moment to talk to God right now. What are some things you would like to pray for?
(Gather the prayer requests then pray for them)
Say: We are thankful that God hears us when we pray. Sometimes, we don't always get the answers we want, but it's good to ask God, but even more - to tell God how we're feeling and to thank Him for what we have. Let's hear a song that reminds us to thank God for all that is around us!
Song for Kids: Canticle of the Sun
Activity Sheets or Play
After the song, hand out the activity sheets. Younger children are welcome to play with the Duplos (encourage them to play out a story that fits with the lesson).
End with the Lord's Prayer when the Usher comes to let you know the prayers have started.