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VBS Day 3 - Jonah

Theme Song

Rhyme Time with Mr. James

Lesson + Memory Verse

Jonah did not want to obey God at first. Once he was in the fish, though, he changed his mind. He prayed and promised God he would obey and do what God wanted him to do. God made sure Jonah would be ok — God made sure that the fish would spit Jonah out. And the people of Nineveh did not obey God at first, either. They did a lot of bad stuff. But then they decided to obey God after Jonah came to them — and God was so happy about the people wanting to love and obey God that God kept them safe after all. There is a song in the Bible that says this about God:

Psalm 33:18 — "The Lord watches over those who obey Him."

Memory Tip: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" melody: just the "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are" part — unless you want to include the verse reference in which case you could sing "Psalm 33:18" twice during the "up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky" part, and then repeat the verse one more time.)




Today's snack is goldfish!

Why? — Because it reminds us of the fish that Jonah was in for a few days.

Song Recap

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