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VBS Day 4 — The Good Samaritan

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Opening Song

Find the lyrics here: GoogleDrive

Intro with Diddl & Diddlina

Lesson Videos


- Who is the first person in our story today? (A man who goes on a journey)

- What happens to the man? (He gets attacked and ends up hurt and alone on the side of the road)

- The first man, who comes along, is a priest (so kind of like a churchman) —

does he help the hurt man? (No)

- The second man, who comes along, is also like a churchman — does he help the hurt man? (No)

- The third man, who comes along, is a man from a different country that doesn't get along very well with the country of the hurt man — does he help the hurt man? (Yes)

- So who was being a good man who loves other people with his actions? (The third man)

Jesus wants us to love other people as that man did in our story today — Jesus

wants us to love other people with our actions (with what we do). Even if we don't know or like somebody, we can still be kind and help them if they need help. That is how Jesus wants us to love other people.

In Jesus' Upside Down Kingdom, we need to love people with our actions — all people, even people we don't like!

Memory Lines

This is meant to be a shout-back-and-forth between the leader and the children

that helps the children understand our VBS kingdom theme this year:

Who is our King? — Jesus!

Where is His Kingdom? — Inside us!

What does our King want us to do? — Love God and love others!


Please contact us to get access to the template for the craft. As we had to purchase it and it's protected by copyright from being freely distributed on the internet, we could not publish it here.


Today's snack is graham crackers, cream cheese, and red juice!

Why? — Because graham crackers and cream cheese remind us of the colors of a bandaid (light brown and white) and the man in our story probably needed a lot of bandaids! The color of the red juice reminds us of his blood.

Closing Song

Find the lyrics here: GoogleDrive

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